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Assisted Living in Bloomington, Minnesota

Bloomington is the fifth-largest city in the state of Minnesota and home to the Mall of America and the Bell Museum of Natural History. Seniors can tour the Bloomington Historical Museum and take an afternoon stroll in Hyland Lake Park. Summers are mild, but winters are extremely cold with annual snowfalls of 52 inches, which may be a consideration for seniors with health conditions that worsen in colder weather.

The average monthly cost of assisted living in Bloomington is $4,797, and there are 19 facilities seniors can choose from within city limits. Individual facility costs can vary due to the location and the types of programs and services offered.

Note: Data for Bloomington was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Minneapolis, was used instead

8 Assisted Living communities in Bloomington, MN | 20 nearby communities

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1. Assured Care Bloomington

9630 Upton Road, Bloomington, MN, 55431

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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Friendship Village of Bloomington, Bloomington, MN

2. Friendship Village of Bloomington

8100 Highwood Dr., Bloomington, MN, 55438

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Hayden Grove Senior Living

8715 Portland Avenue S., Bloomington, MN, 55420

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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Presbyterian Homes of Bloomington, Bloomington, MN

4. Presbyterian Homes of Bloomington

9889 Penn Avenue South, Bloomington, MN, 55431

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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Presby Homes of Bloomington Co, Bloomington, MN

5. Presby Homes of Bloomington Co

10030 Newton Avenue South, Bloomington, MN, 55431

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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Assisted Living In Heritage Hall, Bloomington, MN

6. Assisted Living In Heritage Hall

11501 Masonic Home Dr, Bloomington, MN, 55437

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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Nervana's Caring Hands, Bloomington, MN

7. Nervana’s Caring Hands

8719 Bloomington Ave, Bloomington, MN, 55425

Residential Care

Call for Pricing (866) 984-3845

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Prosper Home Health & Transportation Services, Bloomington, MN

8. Prosper Home Health & Transportation Services

10025 Colfax Ave South, Bloomington, MN, 55431

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (833) 949-3263

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20 matching communities nearby Bloomington

1. Brookdale Edina

3330 Edinborough Way, Edina, MN, 55435

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Sunrise of Edina

7128 France Avenue South, Edina, MN, 55435

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Copperfield Hill

4200 40th Ave N, Robbinsdale, MN, 55422

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Ecumen Seasons at Apple Valley

15359 Founders Lane, Apple Valley, MN, 55124

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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5. Sunrise of Golden Valley

4950 Olson Memorial Highway, Golden Valley, MN, 55422

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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6. Sunrise of Minnetonka

18605 Old Excelsior Blvd., Minnetonka, MN, 55345

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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7. Brookdale Inver Grove Heights

5891 Carmen Avenue, Inver Grove Heights, MN, 55076

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 984-3845

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8. Covenant Living of Golden Valley Assisted Living and Memory Care

5800 St. Croix Avenue North, Golden Valley, MN, 55422

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (833) 949-3263

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9. Havenwood of Richfield

245 76th Street West, Richfield, MN, 55423

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 843-7557

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10. Suite Living of Burnsville

1880 E 134th St East, Burnsville, MN, 55337

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 853-5446

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11. Ecumen Centennial House

14625 Pennock Avenue, Apple Valley, MN, 55124

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 867-8105

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12. Abiitan Mill City

428 S. 2nd Street, Minneapolis, MN, 55401

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 874-4734

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How big will long-term care services grow as an industry and what factors influence this growth?

By 2050, the number of individuals using paid long-term care services in any setting (e.g., at home, residential care such as assisted living, or skilled nursing facilities) will likely double from the 13 million using services in 2000, to 27 million people. This estimate is influenced by growth in the population of older people in need of care. USDOHHS and USDOL The future supply of long-term care workers in relation to the aging baby boom generation

13. Elim Shores

7900 Timber Lake Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, 55347

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 876-4096

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14. Havenwood of Burnsville

14401 Grand Avenue, Burnsville, MN, 55306

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 881-2933

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15. Chapel View Senior Health & Living Senior Living Community

605 Minnetonka Mills Rd, Hopkins, MN, 55343

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 892-7839

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16. Roitenberg Family Assisted Living

3610 Phillips Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN, 55426

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 897-5038

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17. Cedar Ridge Place

7115 Wayzata Blvd, St Louis Park, MN, 55426

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 949-3278

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18. Minnehaha Senior Living

3733 23rd Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN, 55407

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 987-3784

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19. Benedictine Windermere Way

1705 Windermere Way, Shakopee, MN, 55379

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 996-2447

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20. Carefree Living Burnsville

600 E. Nicollet Boulevard, Burnsville, MN, 55337

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Bloomington, Minnesota

The Cost of Assisted Living in Bloomington

Bloomington’s assisted living costs of $4,797 per month are $514 higher than the statewide average of $4,283 and $497 more than the national median of $4,300. To the west, North Dakota and South Dakota have monthly costs of $4,096 and $3,638, respectively. In Iowa, assisted living costs $4,073 per month, and seniors can expect to pay around $4,400 in Wisconsin.






The United States


North Dakota


South Dakota





Assisted living costs vary throughout the state of Minnesota. To the southwest, Mankato is the only city with a higher monthly average than Bloomington at $4,968. Rochester, to the southeast, has assisted living costs of $3,105 per month. In Duluth, seniors pay an average of $3,221 for this level of care, and St. Cloud is the least expensive city in the state for assisted living at $2,723 per month.








St. Cloud





Bloomington Assisted Living Financial Assistance

Minnesota’s Medicaid program offers the Elderly Waiver, which can help low-income seniors aged 65 and older pay for home and community-based services in an assisted living facility. These services include transportation, skilled nursing, specialized equipment, meals, chore services and companionship. Learn more about the requirements for this waiver and how to apply on our Assisted Living in Minnesota page.

Bloomington Assisted Living Resources

Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care(651) 431-2555The long-term care ombudsman program works to resolve any complaints or issues that arise for seniors living in long-term care facilities. The program handles issues related to health, safety, rights and welfare, and the ombudsman also makes frequent visits to facilities to ensure all laws and regulations in regards to patient care are being met.
Veteran’s Service Office(612) 348-3300The Bloomington Veteran’s Service Office helps service members and their families receive all the benefits and compensation they are entitled to. These services include medical and dental benefits, emergency resources, mental health resources, education, help transitioning from the military to civilian life and burial assistance.
Creekside Community Center(952) 563-4944The Creekside Community Center provides a safe place for seniors to socialize during the day. The center provides games, arts and crafts, fitness classes and frequent outings to points of interest in the community. Special events are also held throughout the year, including live performances, dances and birthday parties. The center also provides free transportation to and from events.
Northeast Senior Services (612) 781-5096Northeast Senior Services provides rides to and from medical appointments, errands and other spots throughout the city. The service is available to seniors aged 60 and older who live in Bloomington and the surrounding area. Rides must be scheduled in advance by phone, and all rides are free.
Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging(800) 333-2433The Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging helps pair seniors with services and programs in the area that can help them remain independent and improve their quality of life. These services include insurance counseling, pension assistance and family resources.

Bloomington Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

All assisted living communities in Bloomington and the state of Minnesota must follow the laws and regulations set by the Minnesota Department of Health. These laws cover all housing and services in long-term care facilities. Learn more about these standards on our Assisted Living in Minnesota page.