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1 Memory Care communities in Kalona, IA | 0 nearby communities

Memory care communities are specifically designed to meet the needs of seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia. The communities are staffed by specially-trained aides and provide services to help keep residents safe and healthy while reducing memory-loss symptoms such as aggression and wandering. These communities may also offer activities designed for cognitive stimulation and dementia-friendly amenities like an interior courtyard where residents can safely enjoy the outdoors.
There are 1 Alzheimer’s care communities to choose from in the Kalona area. Explore our listings to compare the amenities, floor plans, and services available at each residence.
Need help with your search? Call 800-304-7152 now to speak with a free local senior housing advisor. Call now to speak with a free local senior housing advisor.

1. Pleasantview Home

811 THIRD STREET, Kalona, IA, 52247

Alzheimer’s Care, Memory Care

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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How many caregivers provide caregiving to people aged 18 years and older?

52 million caregivers (or one out of every five households) are involved in caregiving to persons aged 18 or over. Coughlin, J. (2010) Estimating the Impact of Caregiving and Employment on Well-Being: Vol 2: Issue 1.