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1 Low Income-Affordable communities in Avondale, AZ | 4 nearby communities

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsors two programs to provide affordable housing to low-income seniors. The programs, Section 202 housing and The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), both provide incentives for senior living communities to make their units affordable and available for low-income seniors. Other than their lower price, these affordable senior communities should offer standard care services for their level of care as regulated by the state. Amenities and lifestyle services, however, will vary greatly between different communities.
There are 1 low-income affordable senior housing options to choose from in the Avondale area. Explore our listings to compare the amenities, floor plans, and services available at each residence.
Need help with your search? Call 800-304-7152 now to speak with a free local senior housing advisor. Call now to speak with a free local senior housing advisor.

1. Avondale Senior Village

10830 W Apache St, Avondale, AZ, 85323

Low Income-Affordable

Call for Pricing (855) 912-8543

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4 matching communities nearby Avondale

Casa De Paz II, Phoenix, AZ

1. Casa De Paz II

3335 W Fillmore St, Phoenix, AZ, 85009

Low Income-Affordable

Call for Pricing (855) 912-8543

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Manistee Manor, Glendale, AZ

2. Manistee Manor

7987 N 53rd Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85301

Low Income-Affordable

Call for Pricing (866) 515-8219

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Good Shepard Homes of Arizona West, Glendale, AZ

3. Good Shepard Homes of Arizona West

6113 N 60th Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85301

Low Income-Affordable

Call for Pricing (866) 515-8248

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4. Hacienda Del Rio Apartments

4121 W McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85009

Low Income-Affordable

Call for Pricing (877) 678-1409

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How big will long-term care services grow as an industry and what factors influence this growth?

By 2050, the number of individuals using paid long-term care services in any setting (e.g., at home, residential care such as assisted living, or skilled nursing facilities) will likely double from the 13 million using services in 2000, to 27 million people. This estimate is influenced by growth in the population of older people in need of care. USDOHHS and USDOL The future supply of long-term care workers in relation to the aging baby boom generation