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Assisted Living in West Lafayette, IN

Overlooking the Wabash River, West Lafayette is a community where approximately 3,200 out of more than 44,600 residents are seniors aged 65 and older. Retirees benefit from lower-than-average priced health care and access to top-rated hospitals, including the IU Health Arnett Hospital. West Lafayette is a relatively safe area where seniors can spend their free time exploring many cultural, recreational and social amenities.

Assisted living facilities provide care for older adults who can no longer live independently but don’t require the constant supervision nursing homes offer. Seniors in assisted living units can tailor their level of care. Services can include help with mobility and daily living tasks. Many facilities provide access to common areas and have life-enriching social programs for residents. In West Lafayette, you can expect to pay around $5,255 every month for assisted living. The area is more expensive for this type of care than most in the state.

In this guide, we look at rates for assisted living in West Lafayette and compare them to other cities in Indiana. We’ve also compiled a list of programs that may help seniors in the region. 

4 Assisted Living communities in West Lafayette, IN | 5 nearby communities

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1. West Lafayette Assisted Living

3575 Senior Place, West Lafayette, IN, 47906

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Westminster Village West Lafayette

2741 N Salisbury St, West Lafayette, IN, 47906

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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Indiana Veterans Home, West Lafayette, IN

3. Indiana Veterans Home

3851 N RIVER RD, West Lafayette, IN, 47906

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Westminster Village

2741 N Salisbury St, West Lafayette, IN, 47906

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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5 matching communities nearby West Lafayette

1. Beehive Homes of Lafayette

830 Park E Blvd, Lafayette, IN, 47905

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Digby Place

167 West 240 South, Lafayette, IN, 47909

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Aster Place

741 Park E. Blvd, Lafayette, IN, 47905

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Five Star Residences of Lafayette

250 Shenandoah Drive, Lafayette, IN, 47905

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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5. Glasswater Creek of Lafayette

208 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN, 47909

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

COVID-19 Rules and Restrictions for Assisted Living in West Lafayette

COVID-19 restrictions and rules for Assisted Living Facilities are typically set by the state – to see the rules in your state, you can read our guide to Assisted Living in Indiana. Keep in mind that there may be other policies that communities put in place to protect their residents, so you should contact your local community for more information. Additionally, you can contact your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more – find contact information here.

Paying For Assisted Living in West Lafayette

According to the Genworth 2021 Cost of Care Survey, seniors in West Lafayette pay around $5,255 each month for assisted living. 

The Cost of Assisted Living in West Lafayette

West Lafayette assisted living costs are well above the Indiana norm of $4,283 and $755 higher than the U.S. average. 


West Lafayette




The United States

Assisted living in regions such as Kokomo ($3,250), Muncie ($3,695) and Fort Wayne ($3,485) costs nearly $2,000 less than in West Lafayette. Costs in Bloomington ($4,283), Evansville ($4,389) and Elkhart ($4,250) are around $1,000 more affordable than West Lafayette. Rates are $777 lower than in West Lafayette in Indianapolis. Less than 100 miles southwest, in Terre Haute, the average cost of $4,948 is in a similar price range to West Lafayette but a few hundred dollars lower. 


West Lafayette




Terre Haute










Fort Wayne



Note: Data for West Lafayette was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Lafayette, was used instead.

How to Get Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in West Lafayette

Paying for assisted living in Indiana

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

Since not everyone can afford to pay for assisted living out-of-pocket, it’s important to find alternative methods to help make assisted living more affordable. Some of these options include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about your options for making assisted living more affordable, visit our guide to Assisted Living in Indiana.

West Lafayette Assisted Living Resources

Resource Contact Service 
Area IV Agency on Aging and Community Action Programs(765) 447-7683Seniors can contact the local Area Agency on Aging for a range of services and help with locating regional programs. It provides Options Counseling, a person-centered approach to finding long-term care services, and access to public funding. Additionally, older adults can participate in free health and wellness classes such as A Matter of Balance. 
Indiana Legal Services(765) 423-5327Indiana Legal Services is a nonprofit law agency that can assist low-income older adults in resolving civil matters. The agency’s Senior Law Project helps older adults get the information and representation they need in areas such as public benefits, fraud and guardianship. 
Wabash Area Lifetime Learning Association (WALLA)(765) 746-2006People aged 50 and above in West Lafayette can join the WALLA for low-cost learning opportunities. Seniors can take courses on interesting topics, including literature, history and information technology. Additionally, the center organizes recreational activities such as dances, luncheons with speakers and movie nights. 
The State Long-Term Care Ombudsman(800) 622-4484 / (317) 232-7134The Long-Term Care Ombudsman program protects assisted living facility residents’ rights. Seniors and their family members who contact the service can learn more about their rights and log concerns they might have about individual facilities. Ombudsmen advocate on behalf of residents and can act as mediators between seniors and their care providers. 
State Health Insurance Assistance Program(765) 447-7683The Area Agency on Aging’s trained counselors can help you make informed choices about your Medicare health insurance. This free and confidential service can make it easier for older adults to understand topics such as Medicare, the Medicare Savings program and long-term care insurance options. 
Tippecanoe County Veteran Services Office(765) 742-1796The county’s Veteran Services Office can help older adults who were a part of the nation’s Armed Forces identify and apply for any relevant assistance programs. Seniors and their family members can learn which state and federal benefits their service entitles them to, including compensation programs, VA health care and educational grants. 

West Lafayette Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

Assisted Living Facilities in the West Lafayette area are required to follow a set of rules and regulations that are determined at the state level. For an overview of those rules and regulations, see the information below. For more specific information, talk with your local community or Area Agency on Aging.

Laws and regulations for assisted living in Indiana