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Assisted Living in Watertown, Massachusetts

Watertown is a medium-sized city in Massachusetts with about 36,000 people, about 16% of whom are aged 65 and over. This city is noted for its beautiful historic architecture, its low property-related and violent crime rates and its unique museums, such as the Armenian Library and Museum of America. Recreational amenities for older adults include a senior center and a library that hosts classes, book groups and free events. 

There are two licensed assisted living facilities in Watertown proper and several more in the surrounding region, providing flexible options for older adults. While fees vary depending on each facility’s location, size and amenities, the Genworth 2020 Cost of Care Survey discloses that seniors in this region pay $6,100 per month on average for care.  

1 Assisted Living communities in Watertown, MA | 20 nearby communities

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1. The Residence at Watertown Square

20 Summer Street, Watertown, MA, 02472

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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20 matching communities nearby Watertown

1. Brookdale Quincy Bay

99 Brackett Street, Quincy, MA, 02169

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Maplewood at Weston

99 Norumbega Road, Weston, MA, 02493

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Brookdale Cushing Park

300 West Farm Pond Road, Framingham, MA, 01702

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Benchmark Senior Living at Billerica Crossings

20 Charnstaffe Lane, Billerica, MA, 01821

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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5. Windsor Place of Wilmington

92 West Street, Wilmington, MA, 01887

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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6. Atria Marina Place

Four Seaport Drive, North Quincy, MA, 02171

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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7. Benchmark Senior Living at Waltham Crossings

126 Smith Street, Waltham, MA, 02451

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 984-3845

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8. New Pond Village

180 Main Street, Walpole, MA, 02081

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (833) 949-3263

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9. Atria Longmeadow Place

42 Mall Road, Burlington, MA, 01803

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 843-7557

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10. Atria Maplewood Place

295 Broadway, Malden, MA, 02148

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 853-5446

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11. Sunrise of Lynnfield

55 Salem Street, Lynnfield, MA, 01940

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 867-8105

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12. Orchard Cove

1 Del Pond Drive, Canton, MA, 02021

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 874-4734

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13. Sunrise of Burlington MA

24 Mall Road, Burlington, MA, 01803

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 876-4096

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14. Sunrise of Braintree

618 Granite Street, Braintree, MA, 02184

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 881-2933

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15. The Commons in Lincoln

One Harvest Circle, Lincoln, MA, 01773

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 892-7839

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16. Sunrise of Wayland

285 Commonwealth Road, Wayland, MA, 01778

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 897-5038

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17. Chestnut Park at Cleveland Circle

50 Sutherland Road, Brighton, MA, 02135

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 949-3278

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18. Evans Park at Newton Corner

430 Centre Street, Newton, MA, 02458

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 987-3784

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19. The Residence at Pearl Street

75 Pearl Street, Reading, MA, 01867

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (877) 996-2447

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What percentage of people 65 and over is predicted to compose the population of the United States?

The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that people over the age of 65 will comprise about 20% of the U.S. population by 2060. 2015 Medicare and You – National Medicare Handbook

20. Charter Senior Living of Dedham

391 Common Street, Dedham, MA, 02026

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Watertown, Massachusetts

The Cost of Assisted Living in Watertown

With monthly fees at $6,100, Watertown is a relatively expensive city for assisted living compared to the national average but consistent with the rest of Massachusetts. Massachusetts is among the costlier states in the Northeast at $6,085, which is about 40% higher than the national average of $4,300. In New Hampshire and Connecticut, fees are higher at $6,650 and $6,300, respectively. Vermont and New York are more cost-effective with respective averages coming in at $5,310 and $4,800.   






The United States


New Hampshire




New York



Watertown seniors pay some of the highest assisted living fees in the state, with care costs coming in at $6,100 per month. The only city with higher monthly fees is Barnstable Town, where fees average $6,338. Pittsfield, Springfield and Worcester are all less expensive, with monthly fees coming in at $5,789, $5,750 and $5,488.  












Barnstable Town

Note: Data for Watertown was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Boston Area, was used instead. 

Watertown Assisted Living Financial Assistance

Assisted living services in Watertown may be covered for qualifying seniors under Moving Forward Plan Community Living Waiver, To qualify, seniors must meet income and asset guidelines as well as need-based requirements. Along with assisted living services, this waiver may cover chore services, day services, skilled nursing, transportation and specialized medical equipment.  

To learn more about options for covering assisted living services in Watertown, visit the Assisted living in Massachusetts page.  

Watertown Assisted Living Resources

 Contact Description 
Central Massachusetts Area Agency on Aging (508) 852-5539 Through the local Area Agency on Aging, older adults access transportation for errands and medical appointments, nutrition services, social and recreational programming, and wellness services. The agency can also help seniors obtain free, unbiased options counseling from counselors who provide information and guidance on Medicare, Medicaid and long-term care insurance.  
VA Boston Regional Office (800) 698-2411 The VA Boston Regional Office provides outreach and information for veterans regarding state and federal benefits, including those that may cover assisted living. Through this department, qualifying veterans can get assistance applying for VA pensions, disability benefits and the Aid and Attendance benefit. Officers can also assess whether veterans are eligible for veterans’ home placement.  
Council on Aging (617) 972-6490 The Council on Aging administers a range of programs and services for seniors, including case management, medical transportation, income tax preparation and a foot care clinic. The council serves as a point of contact for the statewide SHINE program, which provides free Medicare options counseling. It also operates the local senior center, where older adults can participate in social and recreational programs.  
Center for Living & Working (508) 798-0350 The Center for Living and Working is a local nonprofit organization that provides services to seniors in Watertown. Through this organization, seniors obtain options counseling, which can help them plan for long-term services and care. It partners with the local Aging and Disability Resource Consortium using a “No Wrong Door” model that connects seniors with resources and support that meet their needs. 
Springwell (617) 926-4100 Springwell is a private nonprofit organization that creates, manages and coordinates services for older adults. It provides a money management program, information and consultation, care advice and planning, and shopping assistance. The organization also educates older adults about alternatives to nursing home care, which may include assisted living, and its long-term care ombudsman program fields and investigates reports of abuse or neglect in local assisted living facilities. 
RSVP Volunteers of Central Massachusetts (508) 791-7787 RSVP is a nationwide volunteer program for those aged 55 and over. Through this program, older adults serve their communities in capacities that fit their interests and experience. Volunteer opportunities include supporting children as an advocate in court, tutoring at local schools and libraries, working in community gardens and reading on the radio for the visually impaired. In exchange for services, volunteers are invited to recognition events and receive one-on-one assistance with finding opportunities that fit their interests. 
Greater Boston Legal Services (617) 371-1234 Greater Boston Legal Services provides free civil legal aid to seniors in Watertown. Through this agency, older adults can access benefits that may help them cover assisted living costs, including Social Security, Medicaid waiver programs and Supplemental Security Income.  

Watertown Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

The state’s Executive Office of Elder Affairs governs assisted living facilities in Watertown. These facilities, which are officially referred to as assisted living residences, must adhere to regulations pertaining to staffing, building requirements, care planning and medication management. To learn more about these regulations, visit our Assisted Living in Massachusetts page.