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Assisted Living in Terre Haute, Indiana

Situated on the scenic Wabash River, Terre Haute has a population of 60,622, 15.1% of which is over the age of 65. The city gets warm summers and cool winters with low levels of snowfall compared to national averages. Residents can enjoy seasonal outdoor activities such as fishing and cross-country skiing at Hawthorn Park, a massive 257-acre wildlife preserve. The area is home to several cultural and historical attractions, including the Native American Museum, the Veterans Memorial Museum Of Terre Haute, the CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center and the Swope Art Museum, which houses pieces made by some of the country’s most highly renowned artists.

Assisted living in Terre Haute costs an average of $3,650 per month, although actual prices may vary by location and care plan. The state offers a few tax incentives for retirees that can further increase affordability.

3 Assisted Living communities in Terre Haute, IN | 2 nearby communities

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1. The Commons at Honey Creek

1450 E. Crossing Blvd., Terre Haute, IN, 47802

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Westminster Village Terre Haute

1120 E Davis Dr, Terre Haute, IN, 47802

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Sycamore Manor

222 South 25th Street, Terre Haute, IN, 47803

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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2 matching communities nearby Terre Haute

1. Villas of Holly Brook – Marshall

17050 N Quality Lime, Marshall, IL, 62441

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Brazil Villas of Holly Brook and Reflections Memory Care

1941 W US Hwy 40, Brazil, IN, 47834

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

View Details
Nearby Alzheimer’s Care

What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Terre Haute, Indiana

The Cost of Assisted Living in Terre Haute

in Terre Haute, assisted living has an average monthly cost of $3,650. This price is lower than the state average of $4,382 as well as the national average of $4,300. Assisted living costs in neighboring states vary, with Missouri averaging a more affordable $3,000 and Iowa averaging $4,073.


Terre Haute




The United States





Within the state of Indiana, assisted living prices in Terre Haute are on the low side. Nearby Bloomington is more affordable, with an average price of only $2,840 per month, and Kokomo is significantly more expensive averaging $4,516. Assisted living costs in Indianapolis are even higher, at $4,573. In the northern part of the state, Michigan City averages $4,585, and South Bend has the highest assisted living costs in the state, at $4,819.


Terre Haute










Michigan City


South Bend

Terre Haute Assisted Living Financial Assistance

Indiana’s Medicaid program offers the Aged and Disabled waiver, which provides financial aid for assisted living and other supportive services. The A&D Waiver can also be used to defray the costs of attendant care, transportation and medical equipment. Visit our Assisted Living in Indiana page to learn more about this waiver, its eligibility requirements and application process.

Terre Haute Assisted Living Resources

Area 7 Agency on Aging and Disabled West Central Indiana

(812) 238-1561This Area Agency on Aging offers a wide array of medical, educational and social services to local seniors. A dementia support group connects elders with volunteers who provide companionship and comfort, and a transportation initiative helps seniors get around safely. Aging adults can also access case management, legal assistance and wellness classes. The long-term care ombudsman program protects seniors from neglect in assisted living communities, and medical equipment and emergency call systems are also available.

Vigo County Veteran’s Assistance Office(812) 462-3261Veterans and their families can get help applying for federal benefits such as pensions, disability compensation and financial assistance for housing and health care. This state-run organization also offers transportation to and from appointments at the VA hospital. A veteran resource center is available, and vital records can be requested here.
Wabash Activity Center(812) 232-3245This activity center supports healthy aging by providing a place for older adults to stay active. Social activities include arts, crafts and games, and physical activities include low-impact exercise and dance classes. Book clubs and language classes provide educational enrichment, and volunteer opportunities help seniors stay engaged in the local community.
Catholic Charities in Terre Haute
Seniors can access bedding, clothing and small household items at a free clothes closet. The Household Exchange program offers larger items such as furniture, appliances and beds.
Indiana Legal Services, Inc(812) 339-7668Low-income seniors and veterans can get help with legal issues here. Experts are available to provide advice and representation for civil court cases, including housing and consumer issues. The specialized Legal Assistance for Victimized Adults program serves seniors who are victims of fraud, negligence and abuse, and a veterans initiative helps service members access entitlement programs.

Terre Haute Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

Terre Haute’s assisted living communities are governed by the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Aging and must comply with its senior care regulations. Visit our Assisted Living in Indiana page to learn more about these laws and regulations.