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Assisted Living in Rocky Mount, North Carolina

Located on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina, Rocky Mount is home to a growing community of older adults that represents nearly a fifth of its over 53,000 residents. Rich in history, Rocky Mount is home to many places of interest, such as The Imperial Center for Arts and Sciences, the scenic Tar River Reservoir and the Battle Park. The city’s downtown is a hub of culture, dining, shopping and entertainment. Seniors who live in this small city can enjoy all the benefits of a larger metropolitan area that still maintains a charming small-town atmosphere. 

Seniors in Rocky Mount pay, on average, $4,270 per month for assisted living. This cost is similar to the national average but slightly higher than the state’s median. However, based on each facility’s amenities and services, actual prices may differ.

6 Assisted Living communities in Rocky Mount, NC | 1 nearby communities

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1. Navion of Rocky Mount

650 Goldrock Road, Rocky Mount, NC, 27804

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Spring Arbor of Rocky Mount

1251 South Winstead Ave, Rocky Mount, NC, 27803

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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Brekenridge Retirement Center, Rocky Mount, NC

3. Brekenridge Retirement Center

2500 Hunter Hill Road, Rocky Mount, NC, 27804

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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Hunter Hill Senior Village, Rocky Mount, NC

4. Hunter Hill Senior Village

891 Noell Lane, Rocky Mount, NC, 27804

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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Heritage Retirement Center, Rocky Mount, NC

5. Heritage Retirement Center

1650 Cokey Road, Rocky Mount, NC, 27801

Assisted Living, Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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Covenant Homes Inc, Rocky Mount, NC

6. Covenant Homes Inc

135 Covenant Ct, Rocky Mount, NC, 27804

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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1 matching communities nearby Rocky Mount

Britthaven of Tarboro, Tarboro, NC

1. Britthaven of Tarboro

3210 Western Boulevard, Tarboro, NC, 27886

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Rocky Mount, North Carolina

The Cost of Assisted Living in Rocky Mount

Monthly rates for assisted living communities in Rocky Mount are nearly in line with the national average and $470 above North Carolina’s median. Assisted living is more affordable in Rocky Mount than in Virginia, where the average cost is $4,850. However, the median rates in Rocky Mount are above those in the neighboring states of Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina. 


Rocky Mount


North Carolina


The United States


South Carolina







In comparison with other cities in the state, the costs for assisted living in Rocky Mount fall around the mid-range. Jacksonville is the cheapest area in North Carolina for assisted living, while cities such as Fayetteville, Greenville and Durham are more expensive than Jacksonville but below the cost of Rocky Mount. On the higher end of the price scale are the cities of Charlotte, Winston-Salem and Raleigh, where the median costs are up to $530 above those of Rocky Mount. 


Rocky Mount


North Carolina















Rocky Mount Assisted Living Financial Assistance

Low-income seniors who live in eligible assisted living communities and qualify for Medicaid may benefit from financial aid through North Carolina’s State/County Special Assistance for Adults Program. This program, which is available to seniors aged 65 and older, is overseen by North Carolina’s Division of Health Services. 

Read our Assisted Living in North Carolina page to find out more about these waivers.

Rocky Mount Assisted Living Resources

The Rocky Mount Senior Center(252) 972-1562Rocky Mount residents aged 50 and over can take part in recreational and educational activities at the center. For a small membership fee, seniors can benefit from fitness classes such as water aerobics and gain access to facilities including a library, IT equipment and a game room. 
The Center on Maintaining Preferred Aging Services and Solutions(252) 234-5984This Area Agency on Aging program offers useful services to adults aged 60 and over in Rocky Mount. Seniors can contact COMPASS for advocacy, insurance counseling, information and referral, and long-term care options counseling. 
Long Term Care Ombudsman Program(877) 344-2066The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, which is managed by the Area Agency on Aging, serves seniors who either live in an assisted living facility or are looking to move into one. This program provides resident advocacy, investigates concerns and visits residential units to ensure that seniors receive suitable levels of care that meet state standards. 
Senior Health Insurance Information Program(SHIIP)(252) 641-4263/(252) 459-7681

Older adults can get in touch with their nearest SHIIP service for information and advice on topics related to health insurance. SHIIP counselors are trained on topics including Medicare and Medicaid.
​Legal Aid of North Carolina’s Senior Law Project(877) 579-7562Seniors who need legal advice on civil matters such as wills, power of attorney and public benefits such as Medicaid can get in touch with the Senior Law Project. Legal Aid of North Carolina oversees this program.
Nash County Veteran Services252-462-2720Veterans and their family members can access assistance and advice at the county’s Veteran Services office. Services include help with applying for pensions and compensations, and referrals to other agencies within the area. 

Rocky Mount Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

North Carolina’s Division of Health Services sets the licensure laws that cover assisted living facilities in Rocky Mount. For more information on these regulations, check our Assisted Living in North Carolina page