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Assisted Living in Leland, NC

With a fast-growing population, age-friendly recreational activities and high access to health care, Leland is a popular retirement option for seniors. Of its population of about 23,000 people, those aged 65 and over account for 28%, which is significant compared to most North Carolina communities. Leland is a prime option for its low crime rates and warm climate, and while it has a relatively high cost of living, retirement-friendly state income tax laws may help older adults afford long-term care costs. There are no hospitals in Leland proper, but there are several medical facilities in nearby cities, including Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center and NHRMC Orthopedic Hospital, both of which are in Wilmington.   

Leland also has several assisted living facilities, providing a balance between independence and necessary personal care. These facilities provide housing, meals, personalized care services and recreational activities. According to the 2021 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, seniors in Leland pay $5,254 per month for assisted living, making it among the more expensive places in North Carolina for care.

In this guide, seniors can learn more about assisted living costs, ways to pay for services and resources that help them find the care they need.

1 Assisted Living communities in Leland, NC | 3 nearby communities

Need help with your search? Call 800-304-7152 now to speak with a free local senior housing advisor. Call now to speak with a free local senior housing advisor.

1. Arbor Landing at Compass Pointe

2771 Compass Pointe South Wynd NE, Leland, NC, 28451

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

View Details

3 matching communities nearby Leland

1. Spring Arbor of Wilmington

809 John D. Barry Dr., Wilmington, NC, 28412

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

View Details
Morningside of Wilmington, Wilmington, NC

2. Morningside of Wilmington

2744 South 17th St, Wilmington, NC, 28412

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

View Details
Cedar Cove Assisted Living, Wilmington, NC

3. Cedar Cove Assisted Living

4200 Jasmine Cove Way, Wilmington, NC, 28412

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

View Details
Nearby Independent Living
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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

COVID-19 Rules and Restrictions for Assisted Living in Leland

COVID-19 restrictions and rules for Assisted Living Facilities are typically set by the state – to see the rules in your state, you can read our guide to Assisted Living in North Carolina. Keep in mind that there may be other policies that communities put in place to protect their residents, so you should contact your local community for more information. Additionally, you can contact your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more – find contact information here.

Paying For Assisted Living in Leland

In Leland, assisted living residents pay an estimated $5,254 per month for care.  

The Cost of Assisted Living in Leland

Assisted living facilities in Leland charge $5,254 per month for housing and care. This is over $1,000 higher than the North Carolina median of $4,010 and about $750 higher than the national rate of $4,500. 




North Carolina


The United States

Seniors in Leland pay $5,254 per month for assisted living services, making the region among the costliest surveyed places in North Carolina for this type of care. In Jacksonville, which is just 60 miles north, care costs are substantially cheaper at $3,600, and 100 miles north in Goldsboro, rates are among the lowest recorded in the state at $2,700. In Charlotte, seniors pay $4,400 for care, and in Winston, rates exceed the national median at $4,923. Raleigh has the highest monthly assisted living rate in North Carolina at $5,388.













Note: Data for Leland was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Wilmington, was used instead. 

How to Get Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Leland

Paying for assisted living in North Carolina

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

Since not everyone can afford to pay for assisted living out-of-pocket, it’s important to find alternative methods to help make assisted living more affordable. Some of these options include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about your options for making assisted living more affordable, visit our guide to Assisted Living in North Carolina.

Leland Assisted Living Resources

Resource Contact Service 
Brunswick Senior Resources (910) 754-2300 Brunswick Senior Resources is a local nonprofit organization that serves older adults in the Leland region. It operates several senior centers throughout the region, including one in Leland, where older adults can participate in recreational activities, such as Bridge Club, cardio fitness classes, walking groups and crafts, and access wellness services, such as blood pressure checks. BSR also supports seniors through free health insurance counseling, the Medication Assistance Program, support groups and general transportation services to nutrition sites and senior centers. 
Area Agency on Aging (910) 274-0339 The Area Agency on Aging in the Leland region provides free and low-cost services to seniors, supplementing what individuals obtain through assisted living and helping them maintain as much independence as possible. It houses the regional long-term care ombudsman, which helps assisted living residents understand their rights and resolve issues related to billing or quality of care. The agency also has information specialists who provide referral services to area seniors, helping them connect with local services, such as transportation, congregate meals, prescription drug assistance and long-term care options counseling.  
Medicare and Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program (855) 408-1212 The Medicare and Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program is a statewide program that provides free health insurance counseling for Medicare-eligible individuals. It has a toll-free helpline seniors can call for personalized help with enrolling in Medicare, switching to a new Medicare Advantage plan, understanding their benefits and finding options for paying for assisted living. SHIIP counselors can also help seniors determine whether they’re eligible for Medicaid or the Managed Long Term Services and Supports Program, which can help cover assisted living costs.  
Brunswick County Veterans Services (910) 253-2233 The Brunswick County Veterans Services office provides information and assistance to older adults in the Leland region. Through this office, older veterans can get one-on-one help with applying for benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as other agencies that may help them pay for long-term care services. The office can also help seniors obtain community-based services, such as prescription drug assistance, counseling and transportation.  
Legal Aid of North Carolina (910) 763-6207 Legal Aid of North Carolina is a nonprofit organization that provides free civil legal services to those aged 60 and over. Its Wilmington office, which is located about 8 miles from Leland, has legal professionals who help with age-related issues, such as drafting wills, managing assets and assigning powers of attorney. They can also help seniors determine eligibility and apply for public benefits, such as Medicaid waivers, Supplemental Security Income and the optional state supplement, which may help pay for long-term care.  

Leland Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

Assisted Living Facilities in the Leland area are required to follow a set of rules and regulations that are determined at the state level. For an overview of those rules and regulations, see the information below. For more specific information, talk with your local community or Area Agency on Aging.

Laws and regulations for assisted living in North Carolina