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Assisted Living in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Located on the shores of Lake Winnebago and less than an hour from Lake Michigan, Fond du Lac’s small population of 43,000 includes approximately 7,000 seniors. Its proximity to large bodies of water and the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge mean that seniors can find many ways to interact with nature. Fishing, hiking, golfing and other outdoor activities are very popular among residents. There’s also plenty of other recreational activities to enjoy, from taking art classes at Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts to exploring the downtown shops, so seniors can find a variety of ways to fill their time. 

Costing an average of $4,686 per month, Fond du Lac’s assisted living communities have differing prices, according to the amenities and services they offer residents.

10 Assisted Living communities in Fond Du Lac, WI | 1 nearby communities

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1. LakeHouse Fond Du Lac

517 Luco Road, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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2. Frontida Adelaide Place

478 W. Arndt Street, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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Sage Meadow of Fond du Lac Suites, Fond Du Lac, WI

3. Sage Meadow of Fond du Lac Suites

597 Kingswood Avenue , Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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Lincoln House, Fond Du Lac, WI

4. Lincoln House

342 Forest Ave, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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Franklin House, Fond Du Lac, WI

5. Franklin House

349 W 11th St, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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Blandine House, Fond Du Lac, WI

6. Blandine House

25 N Park Ave, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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Fond Du Lac Lutheran Home, Fond Du Lac, WI

7. Fond Du Lac Lutheran Home

244 N MacY St, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 984-3845

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Robert E. Berry House, Fond Du Lac, WI

8. Robert E. Berry House

178 6th St, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (833) 949-3263

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Beacon House, Fond Du Lac, WI

9. Beacon House

166 S Park Ave, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 843-7557

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10. Riverview Apartments

101 Western Ave, Fond Du Lac, WI, 54935

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (877) 853-5446

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1 matching communities nearby Fond Du Lac

Touchstone Living Center, N Fond Du Lac, WI

1. Touchstone Living Center

300 Winnebago St, N Fond Du Lac, WI, 54937

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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What is the percentage of seniors 65 years old and over needing long term care service over time?

At least 70% of people over the age of 65 will require some form of long term care services and support during their lives. 2015 Medicare and You – National Medicare Handbook

What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

The Cost of Assisted Living in Fond du Lac

Fond du Lac’s assisted living costs, at $4,686 per month, are nearly $300 more each month than the state average of $4,400, according to Genworth’s 2020 Cost of Care Survey. They are also significantly higher than the U.S. average of $4,300. Of the surrounding states, Iowa is among the least expensive at $4,073. Illinois’ average monthly cost of $4,575 is similar, while Minnesota’s $4,283 monthly average is approximately $400 less than Fond du Lac’s.   


Fond du Lac




The United States







Fond du Lac’s assisted living costs are average compared with costs in other cities across the state. Milwaukee, the largest city in Wisconsin, has the highest costs, at $5,073 per month. Assisted living care in the capital city of Madison is similarly priced, at $4,956, as is Sheboygan, at $4,950. In Wausau, costs drop to $4,100, and costs are even lower in Green Bay, at $3,800. Mansfield’s prices of $3,570 are more than $1,100 less than in Fond du Lac.


Fond du Lac










Green Bay





Fond du Lac Assisted Living Financial Assistance

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services offers Family Care, including the Family Care Partnership Program, which provides the elderly with services and supports to help them maintain their quality of life. Although most of these services are delivered at home, some, such as case management or therapies, are available to those living in assisted living communities. 

To learn more about eligibility requirements and the application process for either Family Care or the Family Care Partnership Program, visit our Assisted Living in Wisconsin page

Fond du Lac Assisted Living Resources

Fond du Lac County Senior Services(920) 929-3937 Coordinating services throughout Fond du Lac County, Senior Services gives seniors and their family members access to information and services in the area. By speaking with an Elder Benefit Specialist, families can identify what services, if any, they qualify for, including Medicare, Social Security, the Medicaid Waiver Program and more. Their National Family Caregiver Support Program helps family members navigate the world of caregiving, and their transportation service provides rides to and from medical appointments and other trips for those who would otherwise have difficulty getting to their destinations. 
Aging and Disability Resource Center of Fond du Lac County(920) 929-3466The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Fond du Lac County is the source for identifying and applying for local resources and programs. Seniors or their caregivers can call ADRC to ask questions about services and receive pertinent information from knowledgeable staff members on topics such as long-term care options and how to finance care. Seniors can connect with the congregate indoor dining program or find meal-to-go options. ADRC also maintains a listing of community resources and online links for a variety of valuable topics.     
Fond du Lac Senior Center(920) 322-3630The Fond du Lac Senior Center is the local spot for those 50 and older to meet others for socialization and fun. A variety of recreational, social, educational and travel opportunities are available. Seniors can choose from dining groups and supper clubs, woodworking and scrapbooking, choir and line dancing. Games include bridge, bingo and golf. Photography, movies and an annual Christmas party are all part of the fun. Seniors can take classes about topics relevant to their lifestyles such as Financial Fitness, AARP Driver Safety or The Aging Mastery Program. The Senior Center also hosts regular trips to national and international points of interest.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program(920) 922-7760Available to seniors 55 and older living in Fond du Lac County, the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program gives participants a chance to volunteer in a way that feels meaningful to them. Opportunities include working one on one with school-age children and providing companionship to older adults. No experience is necessary, and volunteers receive training and supplemental insurance. Participants also receive ongoing support, social opportunities with other volunteers and recognition for their efforts within the community.   
Legal Action of Wisconsin SeniorLAW(855) 947-2529Serving in various counties across Wisconsin, Legal Action’s SeniorLAW assists those 60 and older by providing free legal assistance for a variety of issues and concerns. Free of charge, services can include help receiving Social Security benefits and applying for Medicare or Medicaid. Those suffering emotional, physical or financial neglect or abuse at an assisted living community can also receive advocacy, representation and support. 

Fond du Lac Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

Fond du Lac’s assisted living communities are asked to maintain certain health and safety standards regarding staffing, accommodations and medication administration. Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services is responsible for verifying that these standards are met on a continual basis. To learn more, visit our Assisted Living in Wisconsin page