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Assisted Living in Clinton, Mississippi

Clinton, Mississippi is a suburb of Jackson, one of the largest metro areas in the state. It’s warm year-round here, with mild winters and long, hot summers. Clinton is known for being a family-friendly city and has even received a designation as a Certified Retirement City, meaning that the community has plenty of resources for seniors, who make up about 16% of the city’s 24,000 residents. The cost of living in Clinton is significantly lower than the national average, which may benefit retirees on a budget. 

Living in the greater Jackson area, seniors have access to many of the amenities of the bigger city, including world-class health care from Baptist Medical Center and St. Dominic Hospital for illnesses or emergencies. Many of Clinton’s seniors may be considering accommodations in one of the city’s assisted living communities, group homes that provide 24/7 supervision and light medical and personal care. These communities average $4,348 per month. 

Note: Data for Clinton was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Jackson, was used instead.

1 Assisted Living communities in Clinton, MS | 7 nearby communities

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1. Brookdale Clinton Mississippi

501 E. Northside Drive, Clinton, MS, 39056

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 882-3746

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7 matching communities nearby Clinton

1. The Orchard

600 Pear Orchard Road, Ridgeland, MS, 39157

Assisted Living, Assistive Living, Respite Care-Short Term Stay, Supportive living

From $5250 / mo

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2. The Blake at Township

608 Steed Road, Ridgeland, MS, 39157

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (855) 430-2394

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3. Ridgeland Place

410 Orchard Park, Ridgeland, MS, 39157

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 956-0235

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4. Plain View Assisted Living

214 Spell Drive, Richland, MS, 39218

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 975-4278

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5. The Quarters Assisted Living

585 Beasley Road, Jackson, MS, 39206

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 981-1799

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Riggs Manor Retirement Community, Raymond, MS

6. Riggs Manor Retirement Community

2300 SEVEN SPRINGS ROAD, Raymond, MS, 39154

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 983-0331

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Ingrams Personal Care Home, Jackson, MS

7. Ingrams Personal Care Home

146 Minerva St, Jackson, MS, 39203

Assisted Living

Call for Pricing (866) 984-3845

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What is Assisted Living?

Hundreds of thousands of American seniors utilize assisted living, a figure that is only growing. For these seniors, assisted living combines residential housing,assistance in daily activities, and some healthcare. These communities also strive to provide an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for their residents… Read More >

Paying for Assisted Living in Clinton, Mississippi

The Cost of Assisted Living in Clinton

According to the Genworth Financial Cost of Care Survey 2020, the average monthly fees for assisted living in Clinton are $4,348, which is several hundred dollars more than the average for the state overall ($3,713). Mississippi, in turn, is several hundred dollars less than the national average of $4,300, although it’s close in fees to neighboring states Louisiana ($3,639) and Arkansas ($3,500). Alabama, to the east, is significantly lower, with assisted living fees that average $3,150 per month, and Tennessee, to the north, is a few hundred dollars more, $4,039. 






The United States









Compared to other cities in Mississippi, Clinton has the highest monthly assisted living fees. Hattiesburg is the closest, with a monthly average of $4,500, and Tupelo, considered part of the Florence, Alabama, metro is the lowest, at $2,914 per month. Gulfport ($3,738) and Natchez ($3,356), which is considered part of the Alexandria, LA, metro, are close in average costs, but both are also several hundred dollars less than Clinton. 










Florence, AL/ Tupelo


Alexandria, LA/ Natchez

Clinton Assisted Living Financial Assistance

Mississippi Medicaid recipients have an option for an Assisted Living Waiver to help offset the monthly costs for assisted living. The waiver is open to all those who would otherwise need accommodations and care in a nursing home and may be used to either pay for home care or assisted living room and board. 

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Assisted Living in Mississippi page.

Clinton Assisted Living Resources

Mississippi Division of Aging and Adult Services(601) 359-4929This is a statewide agency that addresses the needs of the Mississippi elderly. Services include helping families and caregivers find the right fit for long-term care and help with financial planning for the future. It also provides assistance for seniors to apply for Medicaid and Social Security and other government benefits they may be entitled to. Representatives of this agency help seniors with mobility assistance, nutritional information and meal deliveries, and individual counseling and support groups.
Jackson Department of Veterans Affairs(601) 362-4471Military veterans and their surviving spouses can get help obtaining benefits from the local VA center. Representatives can help veterans apply for medical benefits and pensions. Its services include group counseling and therapy for a variety of topics.
Legal Assistance and Advocacy for Seniors(601) 359-4500The Mississippi Department of Human Services offers legal assistance for the elderly, including cases of elder abuse and neglect and fraud prevention and recovery. Its mission is to help the elderly secure their rights and enjoy a higher quality of life, with help getting legal advice referrals and prevention of fraud.
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)(601) 359-4500The SHIP program is designed to help seniors and their families understand their options for health care. Representatives of the agency can answer questions about different types of Medicaid coverage, including Supplemental Medicaid coverage. Part of this help includes explaining the differences between policies and what each one covers and then applying for the program. These representatives can also help with filing claims and appeals and organizing the paperwork necessary for these.
TL Love Community Center(601) 960-2160The senior citizens center is open to all residents in the greater Jackson area aged 60 and older. It has programs that are designed to suit older people, from gentle group fitness classes to hobby groups such as gardening or crafts. Other programs include seminars about things like preventing fraud or health screenings.
ALS of Mississippi- Louisiana Durable Medical Equipment Loan Closet(225) 343-9880The ALS loans medical equipment to low-income individuals in need, including mobility equipment, shower and toileting chairs, and blood pressure cuffs. The agency purchases some items for use and also accepts donations from the community, so the availability of certain items can vary.

Clinton Assisted Living Laws and Regulations

The Mississippi Department of Health licenses and regulates assisted living communities in the state. It determines standards of staff training and the cleanliness and amenities required for each facility. Visit our Assisted Living in Mississippi page for more information about these laws.