Rosetta Homes Memory Care is in Richland, Washington. There are many shopping centers, restaurants and entertainment options near the community, and Leslie Groves Park, on the bank of the Columbia River, is less than a mile away. Kadlec Regional Medical Center is less than 10 minutes away, and the drive to Richland Airport takes about 5 minutes.
Rosetta Homes Memory Care has 16 beds for residents. Trained staff works with residents and their families to create individualized care plans. The center has an emergency call system, which includes bathroom pull cords and coded doors. A nurse practitioner is on-site weekly, and there is a nurse on staff for consultations. The center coordinates care with residents’ physicians and provides ongoing health monitoring. Respite care and day care are also available.
Residents can choose between private and semiprivate rooms, all carpeted for safety. The center serves three home-cooked meals daily and offers snacks between meals, with any dietary restrictions taken into consideration. Large common areas, including a family-style dining room, indoor family rooms and covered patios, encourage socialization. Staff handles housekeeping, laundry and linen services.