Hover Manor Senior Apartments is a caring, comfortable community for seniors. This community features one-bedroom apartments with full kitchens, living and dining areas, and private bathrooms. The apartments are located on the historical Hover Family property, centrally located in Longmont. Residents enjoy professional dining services in their Sylvan Cafe and participate in mandatory monthly meal plans.
The Wellness Center at Hover Manor offers fitness equipment, with personalized instruction by certified exercise specialists, as well as clubs and interest groups, outings, Wii Bowling parties, celebrations scheduled through the center, and more. Hover Manor also has a van transportation service to take residents to local businesses or medical appointments. For those who prefer to stay home but still need assistance with some tasks of daily life, the Hover at Home program provides non-nursing services, such as companion visits, pet care and meal preparation for a nominal fee. Cats and dogs under 20lbs are welcome at this senior living facility too.